About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Nuru ya Kiswahili is an international double-blind peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish theoretical and empirical studies that contribute to our understanding of Swahili language, linguistics and literature. This journal publishes (but not limited to) topics on Kiswahili syntax, morphology, phonology, sociolinguistics, translation and interpretation studies, contact linguistics, language and policy issues, stylistic analysis of literary and non-literary texts.  We accept manuscripts written in both Swahili and English but limited to issues of Swahili language.

Frequency of publication:  The Journal publishes twice a year (June and December). Authors are always welcome to submit their manuscripts for publication consideration. 

Peer- review process: Manuscripts are double-blind peer-reviewed by pertinent professionals. Reviewers grade the papers through special evaluation forms that are  provided.  If by chance reviewers happen to be among the authors who submitted papers they will have to declare their conflict of interest. Normally, the review process takes a minimum of 12 weeks.